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Meet the Advocacy Personalities
The Inspirer: For Inspirers, it's all about igniting passion and enthusiasm in others. They have a natural ability to motivate and inspire people to take action. With their charismatic presence and captivating storytelling skills, they can make people sit up and listen. Inspirers are comfortable in the spotlight and know that the power of personal connection can create real change.
Top skills: Public speaking, Storytelling
Fav tools: Microphone, Social media platforms, -
The Analyst: Analysts believe that data and facts are the keys to unlocking change in advocacy campaigns and policy initiatives. They are adept at digging deep into issues, gathering information, and presenting it in a clear and compelling way. They excel at making complex ideas digestible and providing evidence-based arguments to support their cause. Analysts are critical thinkers who are always seeking the truth.
Top skills: Research, Data analysis
Fav tools: Spreadsheets, Data visualization software -
The Connector: Connectors are brilliant at networking and building relationships. They understand that change happens when people come together, and they excel at fostering connections between individuals and organisations working towards common goals. Connectors are skilled communicators who excel at one-on-one conversations, making others feel heard and valued. They are the glue that holds communities and movements together.
Top skills: Networking, Relationship building
Fav tools: Contact list, LinkedIn -
The Strategist: Strategists are the architects of change. They have a natural ability to see the bigger picture and create detailed plans to achieve their advocacy goals. They are skilled at organising resources, delegating tasks, and keeping everyone on track. Strategists are the behind-the-scenes masterminds who bring everything together to ensure a successful campaign or initiative.
Top skills: Planning, Project management
Fav tools: Project management software, Whiteboards